The Charta Oecumenica has played a crucial role in shaping the European ecumenical agenda for more than two decades. In 2022, CEC and the Catholic Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) decided to revise this landmark document to ensure that it remains relevant in our current times. A joint CEC-CCEE Working Group is updating the document, considering the changing circumstances in European society and among Christians.

The Consultation Process

The Joint CEC-CCEE Working Group has prepared a first draft to update Charta Oecumenica. The decision-making bodies in CEC and CCEE respectively approved this draft for a consultation process, which will lead to further updates and improvements of the text. The consultation will be carried out on several levels from 1 July to 15 October 2024. We invite CEC Member Churches, the National Bishops’ Conferences, the National Councils of Churches, Organisations in Partnership, and other ecumenical stakeholders to participate. All contributions will be evaluated by the Revision Group, which will then update the text based on the outcomes of the consultation. The aim is to adopt and sign the updated Charta in the next year.

Participate in updating Charta Oecumenica

We invite you to discuss this draft in your own settings, in your church, council of churches or amongst CEC’s organisations in partnership. Here you can find the draft text. Please send your comments, reactions, and suggestions by 15 October 2024 to If possible, please indicate your church affiliation and country of residence or origin. We will receive your contributions in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish (languages in CEC and CCEE constituencies).

You can contribute to the consultation by participating in specific events organised during the consultation process. More information about these events will follow.

The consultation within CEC and CCEE is a key component of updating Charta Oecumenica. We rely on your reactions and contributions to jointly prepare a text that reflects ecumenism in Europe today. The revised Charta shall support churches in their ecumenical efforts for the years ahead.

Download the first draft of the revised Charta Oecumenica for consultation

The deadline to receive the responses on charta(at) is 15 October 2024.

Members of CEC–CCEE Joint Working Group


H.E. Cardinal Grzegorz Ryś
Archbishop of Łódź
Fr Luis Okulik
CCEE Social Pastoral Care Commission
Sr Minsey Estelle Mical Sogbou
Chemin Neuf Community


Ms Lea Schlenker
Protestant Church in Germany (EKD)
Rev. David White
Church of Ireland
Fr Oecumenius Amanatidis
Ecumenical Patriarchate

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