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The Charta Oecumenica is a joint document of CEC and the CCEE. It was signed by the presidents of the two organisations in 2001, and seeks to preserve and develop fellowship among churches. It marked the beginning of the century by calling the churches in Europe to dialogue, unity and action, and particularly to their common responsibility in facing issues of peace and justice in Europe.

The Charta is available in English, Czech, French, German, and Russian.

Charta Oecumenica Guidelines for the Growing Cooperation among the Churches in Europe
Charta Oecumenica Směrnice pro růst spolupráce mezi církvemi v Evropě
Charta Oecumenica Lignes directrices en vue d'une collaboration croissante entre les Églises en Europe
Charta Oecumenica Leitlinien für die wachsende Zusammenarbeit unter den Kirchen in Europa
Экуменическая хартия Pуководство по развитию сотрудничества между церквами в Европе

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