Together in Hope and Witness: CEC Governing Board Meets in Brussels

27 November, 2018

Press Release No: 18/35
26 November 2018

From 22 to 24 November, the CEC Governing Board met in Brussels for their first regular meeting since being elected at the 2018 Novi Sad General Assembly. The meetings opened with prayers led by CEC Vice-President Rt Rev. Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani at the Chapel for Europe, a multicultural and ecumenical space in the heart of Brussels.

The board worked on and approved the strategic plan for the coming five-year period, which focusses on promoting peace, justice and reconciliation in Europe, deepening church communion and ecumenical fellowship, and raising the voice of churches in Europe and toward the European Institutions.

As usual, the board took the opportunity to respond to important events and crises in the world and issued three public issues statements as a result:

Throughout the meeting, the board took time for prayer in the various traditions of the Conference of European Churches.

For a complete list of Governing Board members, please click here.

For more information or an interview, please contact:

Dr Erin Green
Communication Coordinator
Conference of European Churches
Rue Joseph II, 174 B-1000 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 234 68 42
Fax +32 2 231 14 13
Twitter: @ceceurope
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