16 July 2014
Yesterday, on 15th July, Jean-Claude Juncker, the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg was elected as the President of the new European Commission by the European Parliament in a secret ballot with 422 votes in his favour. The Conference of European Churches congratulates the newly elected President on his appointment.
The Secretary General of the Conference of European Churches, Rev. Dr Guy Liagre, in his official letter to President Juncker said: “Recent elections to the European Parliament demonstrated that the Union is, in many respects, successfully managing the difficult tasks linked to overcoming the economic and financial crisis which are at an important turning point… We trust that the newly elected European Commission will, under your leadership, pay sufficient attention to the primary concerns raised by the voters in the Union. This encompasses a growing distance between the EU citizens and the political institutions of the Union.”
The CEC Secretary General expressed his hope that the newly elected President Jean-Claude Juncker together with his Commissioners will continue the work related to the implementation of the Ar. 17 TFEU. This article invites churches, religious communities, philosophical and non-confessional organizations to an open, transparent and regular dialogue with EU institutions.
For more information:
Mag. Elizabeta Kitanović
Executive Secretary for Human Rights and Communication
Church and Society Commission of CEC
Rue Joseph II, 174
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 2 234 68 36
Fax +32 2 231 14 13
E-mail : eki@cec-kek.be
The Conference of European Churches (CEC) is a fellowship of Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches, partner organisations and national councils of churches from all over Europe. Its vision: A humane, socially just and sustainable Europe at peace with itself and its neighbours. Its mission: To promote and empower its members, sharing their spiritual life, strengthening their common witness and service, seeking reconciliation and fostering the unity of the Church. CEC was founded in 1959 and has offices in Geneva, Brussels and Strasbourg.www.ceceurope.org
The Church and Society Commission of CEC links member churches, national council of churches and organisations in partnership of CEC with the European Union’s institutions, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, NATO and the UN (on European matters). Its task is to help the churches study church and society questions from a theological and social-ethical perspective, especially those with a European dimension, and to represent common positions of the member churches in their relations with political institutions working in Europe.