"Theology and Human Rights -
Freedom of Religion or Belief for All"
15 - 18 September 2014, Palermo - Italy
Press Release
Day I - Theology, Law and Human Rights
Freedom of Religion or Belief
Freedom of Religion and Belief: the Legal Challenge by Prof Dr Marco Ventura, KU Leuven - Belgium
The Legal Challenge to Ensuring Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe by Dr Merilin Kiviorg, Senior Researcher in Public Law, University of Tartu, Faculty of Law - Estonia
Day II - Theology, Politics and Human Rights
Hidden Aspirations - Legal Analysis of a Document of the Government of Montenegro by Mr Damjan Culafic, Serbian Orthodoc Church - Montenegro
Politisation and Instrumentalisation of Human Rights/Freedom of Religion or Belief by Dr. Pasquale Annicchino, PhD, LL M Fellow Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies European University Institute