Press Release No: 18/04
23 January 2018
On 23 January, Peter Heltai, Ambassador at Large of Hungary Helps initiative and György Nandasi, Advisor to György Hölvényi MEP, European Parliament, visited the CEC office in Brussels.
In their meeting with the CEC Study Secretary Rev. Dr Peter Pavlovic, they introduced Hungary Helps project, aimed at providing development assistance to the persecuted Christians and troubled communities in war-torn areas around the world.
In its work, CEC is also deeply engaged in promoting human right, and in particular fundamental right of religious freedom or belief, through various programmes.
It was discussed how partnerships between churches and government agencies can be further strengthened.
The participants were introduced to CEC’s upcoming 2018 Novi Sad Assembly that will be held in Serbia, from 31 May to 6 June, addressing the theme “You shall be my witness”. CEC’s consultation process Future of Europe, an important component of the Assembly, was also discussed and how it is highlighting the voices of churches in engaging with the European Union and the EU institutions.
For more information or an interview, please contact:
Henrik Hansson
CEC Communication Coordinator
Tel: +32 2 234 68 42
Twitter: @ceceurope