Press release: How to build a European Model of the Social Market Economy?
Communiqué de presse : Vers un modèle européen d’économie sociale de marché ?
Pressemitteilung: Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Model sozialer Marktwirtschaft?
European social market economy: social and competitive in a globalized world?
Bishop Gianni Ambrosio, Vice-President of COMECE, Bishop of Piancenza-Bobbio - Italy - Italian
Converging toard a European social market economy?
The situation in Member States:
Prof Dr Heikki Tuomas Hiilamo, Social Insurance Institute of Finland - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland - English
Prof Dr Eelke de Jong, Radboud University Nijmegen - Protestant Church in the Netherlands - English
Read more from Prof de Jong
Youth unemployment - an imminent challenge across the EU
Presentation of best practices
Maria José Tortosa Valls, Caritas diocesain Segorbe - Castellon, Spain - French
Deborah Garden, Youth Work Development Advisor, Frontier Youth Trust - UK - Presentation & speaker notes