CEC Presence at Pope Francis's visit

25 November, 2014

A historic moment in Strasbourg! CEC had the honour to be invited by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr. Torbjorn Jagland, and was represented by Richard Fischer, Executive Secretary, to hear Pope Francis.

The Pope addressed both the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. In both speeches, he insisted on values and priorities close to CEC’s heart and work, including: the crucial importance of education and intercultural dialogue; human rights that link the individual to a culture of the common good, and religious freedom; rights of European citizens combined with welcoming migrants; and science and technology in service of ecology.

The Pope called for a Europe which “revolves not around the economy, but around the sacredness of the human person, around inalienable values”, for a Europe that “rediscovers that youthfulness of spirit which has made it fruitful and great, and a precious point of reference for humanity!”

Click here for a copy of Pope Francis's speech European Parliament (English). 

Click here for a copy of Pope Francis's speech at the Council of Europe (English). 

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